- The present General Sales Conditions represent the contractual conditions regulating the purchase and the use of the Marmolada Srl tickets. The ticket enables ticketholders to use the lift system facilities of Marmolada Srl, except the restrictions as provided for by articles 2. and 3. The list of all Marmolada Srl facilities is available at our sales office, on the websites: www.funiviemarmolada.com; https://mydolomiti.dolomitisuperski.com; and on the websites of the local tourist offices.
- The ticket allows the legitimate ticketholder to use the lift facilities of Marmolada Srl. The validity period of the ticket corresponds to the opening period of the lifts, namely the whole season during which the ticket has been purchased. The validity period cannot be changed in any form or manner once the card has been issued. The card is strictly personal, it carries the period of validity and the date and time when it has been issued. The ticket can also carry the name and surname of the ticketholder and/or the picture of the ticketholder, who can legitimately use it. The personal data are not saved neither on paper, nor in any electronic form. Therefore, we do not process any personal data. The ticket cannot be transferred to other people, nor changed for another, nor altered in any manner.
- In order to benefit from the discounts offered by Marmolada Srl, both when purchasing the ticket online or at the ticket office, you will be asked to provide a valid identity card, which cannot be substituted by any self-certification, and so substantiating the fulfilment of the requirements necessary for claiming the benefits assigned in these instances and to the extent as described in the information sheet available at the sales office. The ticket must be shown upon request at each control in order to allow them to check the users’ personal identity. Ticketholders acknowledge and accept that any improper or incorrect use of the abovementioned ticket will lead to the immediate withdrawal, annulment or suspension of the ticket itself.
- Concerning the transport of strollers, backpack, animals and other objects or accessories, the conditions published by Marmolada Srl at the following link will be applied: https://www.funiviemarmolada.com/en/rules-for-the-trip/.
- Marmolada Srl lift facilities could undergo interruption, suspension or anticipated closure of their service during the whole opening period abovementioned. The lift facilities can be in fact conditioned by factors out of the control sphere of the facility’s owner and operators, such as e.g. weather and safety conditions, damages of the facility, lack of energy sources, any resolution made and/or implemented by the local authorities and other causes of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances. In all these eventualities, the ticketholder can decide to use the owned ticket on another day during the same working season, provided that the ticketholder has not already validated the ticket at the turnstile gate. Due to these risk factors, which introduce an uncertainty coefficient for the ticketholder, not attributable to the company’s management of the lift, Marmolada Srl is free from any responsibility for potential and possible damages arising from the impossibility of the ticketholder to use the lift facilities on the date printed on the ticket, for example the reimbursement of costs sustained by the user to uselessly reach the closed lift facility, even if the lifts have been suddenly closed due to one of the abovementioned reasons.
- The ticket entitles to the transport of persons among the different stations of Marmolada Srl lift facilities. Any additional activity performed by each individual user additionally to the use of the lift system facility is not covered by the contract and is performed exclusively at one’s own risk.
- The paths and routes located outside Marmolada Srl lift stations are not property of the owner and therefore not managed in any manner by the facility’s owner or operators. It however remains the obligation of every user to strictly observe and respect the conditions for the use displayed at the access station of the lift facility.
- Marmolada Srl declines any responsibility and liability for damages arising from the improper use of the lift facilities as well as for the consequences of ticketholders’ incorrect and illicit behaviour performed on the transportation circuit and that can represent a danger for the security of other users and for members of the staff of the lift facilities. By using Marmolada Srl lift system facilities, the users or the ticketholders acknowledge and express acceptance of their civil responsibilities under the provisions of the Italian Civil Code (art. 2047 and art. 2048) in relation to the supervising and control duties of minors also during their use of the lift facilities. Furthermore, they acknowledge and express acceptance to respect all the national, regional and County provisions currently in force. Facilities’ use by minors and/or users subject to guardianship is nonetheless considered as taking place under the exclusive responsibility, care, control and supervision of the accompanying adult cardholder or more generally of the parents or legal representatives of the minors, assuming responsibility for the use of Marmolada Srl lift facilities by the child, and without liability of the owners or operators of each individual lift facility.
- In case the ticket is not used at all, lost, withdrawn, annulled or suspended no substitution will occur and no right to refund or reimbursement will be acknowledged. The ticket, being a transport document, fulfil the function of a tax receipt (Italian D.M. 30/06/92 and following integrations and modifications) and must therefore be kept for the entire duration of the transport. The prices of single ride or round-trip tickets may be subject to changes in case of exceptional intervention by fiscal, monetary, economic or social authorities.
- By purchasing and/or by using the ticket, users declare to know and to completely accept the present General Sales Conditions, which are available at the sales office, on the websites www.funiviemarmolada.com; https://mydolomiti.dolomitisuperski.com; and on the websites of the local tourist offices.
- By purchasing the ticket or the card, the user declares to have read and understood the present General Sales Conditions.
- Should there be any contrast or differences between the various language versions of the General Sales Conditions and the Italian text, the Italian version is to be considered as the only binding one.
- All disputes potentially arising with respect to the validity and the execution of the transportation agreement and with respect to the present General Sales Conditions will be subject to the Italian law, except for variations. The court of competent jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract is Bolzano.
- Marmolada Srl is committed to adopting all the necessary measures to help contain the contagion by SARSCoV-2 and asks to every user to scrupulously comply with the prescriptions and guidelines of the authorities. As a result, it is forbidden to use the lifts in case of rejection of and non-compliance with the regulations and prescriptions, in the presence of typical symptoms of SARSCoV-2 epidemic or in case of lack of personal protective equipment where mandatory. Any form of liability on the part of the facilities’ operators in the event of infection is therefore excluded.